Bird Sector

Can budgies eat grapes? [Know it now]

Budgies, also commonly known as parakeets, are small, colorful birds that make popular pet birds. 

Budgies are generally considered to be easy to care for and can be fed a variety of different foods. 

However, some people may wonder if it is safe for budgies to eat grapes. 

In this blog post, we will explore whether or not budgies can eat grapes and what the potential risks and benefits may be.

What fruits can budgies eat?

Budgies are parrots that are often kept as pet birds. They are usually green in color, have a long tail, and live up to 20-25 years. 

They can eat many different types of fruits, which is mainly grapes, mangoes, apples, pineapples, bananas, and strawberries. 

Lots of budgie owners, myself included, feed their budgies these types of fruit whenever they are hungry. They can eat a bit of a mix or nibble a certain type, they love their fruits.

The first fruit is grapes. Grapes are sweet and sour, meaning that they are delicious and refreshing, meaning that they are perfect for any budgie. 

The second fruit is mango. Mango is low in calories and is a good source of vitamin C. 

The third fruit is fig. Fig is rich in dietary fiber and has antioxidants that can help improve the gastrointestinal tract. 

The fourth fruit is banana. Bananas contain nutrients like potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and vitamin A. 

The fifth fruit is papaya. Papaya has seeds that are an excellent source of dietary fiber. 

The sixth fruit is cherry. Cherries are rich in vitamins like beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin A. 

The final fruit is grapefruit. Grapefruit is a citrus fruit that contains the vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber.

Can budgies eat grapes?

The answer is yes they can eat them! But, please make sure they are serving size. Budgies are small birds, so one grape is enough to make them feel full. 

If they are not, there are many other fruits that are healthy for budgies that are still accepting the issue of the grape. 

Some that you may want to offer your budgie are apple slices, blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, plums, kiwi, grapes , papaya, and pineapple.

One thing to keep in mind is that your budgie may not want to eat a grape. This is a likely scenario because a lot of birds do not eat grapes. 

This may be because grapes have been said to have been sprayed with pesticides to prevent bugs from eating the crop.

What does grapes contain?

There are many things that we want to know about grapes and we don’t know. One of the most important things we need to know is what grapes contain and where they come from. 

Like many other fruits, they come from different parts of the world with different climates, soil and light conditions that need to be considered.  

Comparing the composition of grapes to other fruit reveals that they are actually higher in natural sugars. 

Meaning that wine, for example, needs grapes to ferment, but the sugar content in grapes is much higher than in other fruits. 

Grapes are a fruit that are commonly used for winemaking. They are high  in natural sugars, so they need to be fermented in order to create wine, but the sugar content in grapes is much higher than in other fruits. 

The flavor in grapes comes from the skin, not the flesh, so the skin is more important for this reason.

How much grapes must budgies eat?

It is said that each budgie needs about 1 grape per day.  

This doesn’t sound like a lot, but considering they need almost six hundred grapes a year, it’s easy to see why they don’t cost more than a few dollars each at the pet store.

What will happen if budgies eat too much grapes?

 Budgies may have long term health problems if they eat too many grapes. Budgies who eat too much grape might experience an upset stomach, diarrhea, and vomiting. 

These problems might interfere with the budgie’s ability to process other foods in its diet. 

There is a risk that a budgie that eats a lot of grapes will become a victim of a kidney stone, because grape skins can have a high level of oxalates which can be a contributor to the formation of kidney stones in budgies. 

This means that a budgie which eats too many grapes may be at risk of developing chronic kidney disease, which would affect its ability to control its water intake.

What to do if the budgie is ill?

There are several different situations that may occur regarding the budgie being ill. The first situation would be that the budgie may have accidentally bit into something that wasn’t good for it. 

The next situation would be that the budgie has an injury. These are both issues to call a vet immediately. 

Another situation would be if the budgie has an infection, this will generally result in the water droplets at the bottom of the cage being discolored. 

If the budgie has diarrhea, the droplets should be runny. If the droplets are clear and yellow in color, this is almost always a sign of a bacterial infection, and it needs medical attention. 

The last situation  would be that the budgie appears to be drooping and has a loss of appetite. 

This may be a sign of a disease such as a parasitic irritation. The best course of action would be to call a vet and suffer through the wait to find out the exact diagnosis.


Budgies can eat grapes, but they need to be careful not to overeat. 

Grapes contain a fair amount of sugar and if your budgie eats too many it may get sick or develop diarrhea. 

If you think your bird is ill from eating too much grapes please contact an avian veterinarian for help!

Our other articles on Bird Feed: What do budgies eat? [Birder’s Guide]

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