There are many different types of flying insects, each with their own unique set of characteristics. Two of the most interesting and easily recognizable are hummingbirds and dragonflies. Though they may look similar at first glance, these two creatures are actually quite different. So, what sets them apart? Let’s take a closer look at the hummingbird vs dragonfly.
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What flies faster a hummingbird or dragonfly?
There are many factors to consider when trying to determine which creature flies faster – a hummingbird or a dragonfly. Let’s take a look at some of the key considerations:
1) Overall size and weight – the smaller and lighter an animal is, the easier it is for them to achieve high speeds. In this respect, the hummingbird has a clear advantage.
2) Wing shape and size – the shape and size of an animal’s wings also play a role in their top speed. Dragonflies have long, thin wings that are ideal for flying long distances and achieving high speeds. Hummingbirds, on the other hand, have shorter, stubbier wings that are better suited for hovering and short bursts of speed.
3) Muscular strength – the stronger an animal’s muscles are, the faster they can fly. Dragonflies are thought to be stronger flyers than hummingbirds, due to their large and powerful wing muscles.
4) Aerodynamic body – a creature with a more aerodynamic body is able to fly faster than one with a less aerodynamic body. Dragonflies have a sleek, streamlined body that helps them to achieve high speeds. Hummingbirds, on the other hand, have a more bulky body that can hinder their speed.
5) Environment – the environment an animal is flying in can also affect their top speed. For example, dragonflies are able to fly faster in open spaces than in densely forested areas.
Overall, there are many factors to consider when trying to determine which creature flies faster – a hummingbird or a dragonfly. In general, the smaller and lighter an animal is, the easier it is for them to achieve high speeds. Additionally, the shape and size of an animal’s wings, as well as their muscular strength and aerodynamic body, can all play a role in their top speed.
What is faster than a hummingbird?
There are many animals that are faster than a hummingbird. For example, the cheetah is the fastest land animal, reaching speeds of up to 70 miles per hour. The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird, and can reach speeds of up to 200 miles per hour when diving. The sailfish is the fastest fish, reaching speeds of up to 68 miles per hour.
Learn More – Hummingbird vs bee
Can hummingbirds beat their wings?
Yes, hummingbirds can beat their wings. In fact, they have to in order to stay airborne. Their wings are specially adapted to their flying needs, allowing them to flap their wings up to 200 times per second. This high rate of flapping means that they can hover in the air and even fly backwards.
The verdict is in, and it’s a close tie! Both the hummingbird and the dragonfly are amazing creatures with a variety of unique abilities. It’s impossible to say which one is better, so we’ll just have to appreciate them both for their many talents.

Hi there! My name is Sarah, and I’m the author behind “Bird Sector,” a website dedicated to helping bird owners learn more about their pets and how to take good care of them. I’m passionate about birds and love sharing my knowledge and experiences with others.