Bird Sector

What do baby birds eat? [10 foods you must know]

As the days grow warmer and the weather turns more temperate, many people are taking to parks and nature trails to enjoy the outdoors. 

If you’re lucky, you may also catch a glimpse of some baby birds. But what do baby birds eat?  

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at what baby birds eat and how they get their food. 

We’ll also explore some of the challenges that young birds face as they learn to find and capture food on their own. So read on to learn more about what baby birds eat!

Do baby birds survive?

Depending on the bird, quite a few do. Baby birds are called chicks, nestlings or hatchlings. 

When they’re born they are very tiny and helpless. They will spend most of their time sleeping, absorbing the nutrients from inside their egg shells with their umbilical cord still attached to them. 

Their first job is to grow big enough so that their weak body can live without the support of their umbilical cord. 

How do baby birds manage feeding themselves?

I was always told they have a gooey, sticky substance on their beak that makes it possible for them to eat. 

The same thing goes with the mother bird’s beak. 

When a baby bird falls out of a nest and its parents don’t know about it, so the first person who finds it puts it back in the nest, then what happens? 

The parent comes back and feeds its babies that have been put back in the nest.

What do baby birds eat?

Most baby birds eat insects and other small creatures. Some baby birds, such as robins, also eat berries and other plants. 

Baby birds usually learn to eat different kinds of food as they grow older. Some baby birds even learn how to catch their own food. 

Depending on the species, baby birds may stay with their parents for a few weeks or a few months. 

During this time, the parents will teach the baby birds how to find food and take care of themselves. Eventually, the young birds will leave their parents and start their own families.

Can baby birds eat high protein foods?

There is no particular food that baby birds cannot eat. As long as the food is made of high protein and contains all the necessary nutrients, there will be no such problem. 

The thing you need to worry about is if your pet bird has enough space for eating and digesting its food. Some foods are not suitable for young parrots but this does not mean that they can’t eat it at all.

Can baby birds eat carrots?

In short, yes. Baby birds can eat carrots. In fact, baby parrots who are weaned onto fruits and vegetables before they’re on seeds will naturally enjoy them without any problems at all.

One of the very best ways to give your baby bird the widest variety of foods while it’s being weaned is to feed a mixture of healthy human food and seed diets. 

Start by introducing a chopped salad with dark green leafy vegetables such as collard greens, mustard greens or turnip greens along with some carrots and other colorful vegetables such as red or yellow peppers, tomatoes or even orange sweet potatoes into its diet. 

You can also offer small amounts of cooked brown rice mixed with finely chopped unsalted nuts such as almonds, pecans or walnuts. 

Offer cooked, de-boned lean meats such as chicken and/or turkey along with fresh fruits such as bananas, apples, pears or blueberries, and your baby bird will love you even more than it already does!

Can baby birds eat tomatoes?

Yes, baby birds can eat tomatoes. In fact, tomatoes are a great source of nutrition for baby birds. 

They are high in Vitamin C and A, which are both essential nutrients for growing babies. Tomatoes also contain antioxidants and other beneficial vitamins and minerals.

So if you have a garden full of ripe tomatoes, don’t be afraid to share with the local bird population! Simply cut up a few tomatoes into small pieces and place them near your bird feeder. 

The baby birds will love it, and you’ll get to enjoy watching them feast on nature’s bounty.

Can baby birds eat meat?

Hummingbirds are naturally nectarivores which means they eat foods like flowers for their source of nutrients. So no, baby birds cannot eat meat since they do not have the ability to digest it or process its high protein content. 

Now you may be thinking, “If hummingbirds only eat flower nectar then why do I keep seeing people feed them meat?” 

Well, humans are always trying to provide their pets with the best care possible and many people mistakenly think that feeding their hummingbird pet’s mealworms is a good source of protein. 

Mealworms do contain protein but they also contain other ingredients that should never go into your bird’s stomach or intestines such as chitin (a fiber) and waxes. 

These two ingredients can actually coat and clog your bird’s digestive system which can lead to health problems and even death. 

So, if you are a hummingbird owner, please be sure to only give your pet bird nectar or specially made hummingbird food to ensure they stay healthy!

10 foods baby birds eat

You should know that every bird species has its own diet. Some are frugivorous, some are insectivorous while others are granivorous. 

The variety of food they consume makes it difficult to determine which are their favorite dishes to have for dinner or breakfast for example. However, one thing is certain: 

They all need proper nutrition in order to grow healthy and strong! It is crucial for them to get the nutrients needed which can be found in different types of natural seeds, insects, fruits and vegetables. 

Of course, these foods must be prepared in a well-thought way in order to avoid any health issues that cannot be treated by vets.

Therefore, here are the top 10 foods you should feed your little baby birds:

1) Birdie bread – It is one of the most popular homemade bird foods that can be given to small songbirds. 

The procedure for preparing it is very simple which consists of mixing together different ingredients such as fruits, vegetables and seeds.

For example, some of these ingredients are blueberries, bananas, apples, lettuce and sunflower seeds among others. 

If you wish so, you can also include insects inside this tasty dish! After mixing all these components properly, it’s time to bake them inside an oven until they are crunchy. 

Bread is a great source of carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals which makes it a perfect food for baby birds. 

It is also important to mention that this dish can be stored in a fridge for up to 5 days so you can have it on hand whenever you need it.

2) Fruit salad – As the name suggests, this is a fruit salad that consists of different types of fruits. This dish is also very popular among bird owners as it provides baby birds with the essential nutrients they need for their growth. 

Just like birdie bread, preparing fruit salad is very simple. You just need to chop different types of fruits and mix them in a bowl. Afterward, you can add some yogurt or honey if you want to give it a sweet flavor. 

Fruits are a great source of carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals. Some of the most recommended fruits for baby birds include apples, avocados, blueberries, grapes and oranges.

3) Vegetable salad – This dish is also very beneficial for baby birds as it provides them with different types of nutrients that they need for their growth. Just like fruit salad, preparing vegetable salad is very simple. 

You just need to chop different types of vegetables and mix them in a bowl. Afterward, you can add some yogurt or honey if you want to give it a sweet flavor. 

Vegetables are a great source of carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals. Some of the most recommended vegetables for baby birds include beets, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes.

4) Birdie soup- This is a soup that is made with different types of vegetables and meat. Just like the previous dishes, birdie soup is also very beneficial for baby birds as it provides them with different types of nutrients that they need for their growth. 

Just like the previous dishes, preparing birdie soup is very simple. You just need to chop different types of vegetables and mix them in a bowl. 

Afterward, you can add some water and boil them until they are cooked properly. Then, you can add some meat (chicken or beef) and boil it for a few more minutes. Once everything is cooked, you can serve the soup in a bowl.

Soup is a great source of carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals. Some of the most recommended vegetables for baby birds include beets, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes.

5) Birdie trail mix – This is a mix of different types of seeds, nuts and dried fruits that are perfect for baby birds. 

Just like the previous dishes, preparing birdie trail mix is very simple. You just need to mix different types of seeds, nuts and dried fruits in a bowl. Afterward, you can store it in an airtight container so it stays fresh. 

Trail mix is a great source of carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals. Some of the most recommended seeds for baby birds include pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and flaxseeds.

6) Birdie bread – This is one of the most popular homemade bird foods that can be given to small songbirds. 

The procedure for preparing it is very simple which consists of mixing together different ingredients such as fruits, vegetables and seeds. For example, some of these ingredients are blueberries, bananas, apples, lettuce and sunflower seeds among others. If you wish so, you can also include insects inside this tasty dish!

Just like the previous dishes, preparing birdie bread is very simple. You just need to mix together different ingredients in a bowl and add some filtered water until it reaches a suitable texture. Afterward, you can store it in an airtight container so it stays fresh for several days.

Bread is a great source of carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals. Some of the most recommended fruits for baby birds include apples, apricots, blueberries and grapes 

 Birdie bread is also very beneficial for babies as it provides them with essential nutrients that they need for their growth such as Vitamin A and iron among others.

7) Mealworms – Mealworms are small worms filled with protein and fats which help baby birds to develop their muscles. However, mealworms are not ideal for baby birds that produce small quantities of droppings because the quantity produced is high compared to other sources of food. As such, it can cause an abdominal discomfort and diarrhea in baby birds

Just like the previous dishes, preparing mealworms is very simple. You just need to add some water and oats inside a container and mix them properly. 

Then, you need to add some mealworms (clean them first) and cover the container with a lid or any other material suitable for this purpose. Worms are a great source of proteins, fats and vitamins 

8) Wax worms – These tasty bugs are perfect for baby birds as they provide them with fats and proteins needed for their growth and development. Just like the previous dishes, preparing wax worms is very simple as all you need to do is add some oats and water inside a container and mix them properly. 

Then, you need to add some mealworms (make sure they are clean) and cover the container with a lid or any other material suitable for this purpose 

 Wax worms can be given to baby birds on a daily basis as they provide them with fats and proteins that make up the majority of their diet

 9) Superworm – This type of worm is also one of the most popular insects among bird fans because it has large amounts of protein and fat which help baby birds to develop their muscles. 

However, superworms should not be given to baby birds that produce small quantities of droppings because the quantity produced is high compared to other sources of food. As such, it can cause an abdominal discomfort and diarrhea in baby birds 

Just like the previous dishes, preparing superworms is very simple. You just need to add some fresh water inside a container and mix them properly. 

Then, you need to add some superworms (make sure they are clean) and cover the container with a lid or any other material suitable for this purpose 

 10) Silk worms – Silk worms are another type of worm that provides both proteins and fats which help baby birds develop their muscles. 

Alongside providing them with protein and fat, silk worms also boost baby bird’s immune system as they are rich in Vitamin C Among the best fruits for baby birds are apples, apricots, blueberries and grapes 

Preparing silk worms is very simple. You just need to add some filtered water inside a container and mix them properly. 

Then, you need to add some silkworms (make sure they are clean) and cover the container with a lid or any other material suitable for this purpose. 


Baby birds can eat a wide variety of foods, but in their first few weeks they need to be fed by either mom or dad. If you find baby birds on the ground and are wondering if they’ll survive without their parents, don’t worry! 

You’ll want to make sure that all food is carefully cut up into small pieces for them to peck at with tiny beaks before putting it in front of them. The key is making sure there’s enough protein in what you’re feeding your little ones (you probably won’t see young birds eating veggies like carrots). 

And while tomatoes might seem like an odd choice for baby bird food, one study found that when given the option between carrot juice and tomato sauce, chicks preferred.

Our other articles: Bird Sector Platform

2 thoughts on “What do baby birds eat? [10 foods you must know]”

  1. Thanks. My birds have just had a baby. So having the knowledge on what do baby birds eat is essential. I considered about worms, but insects and bugs may not be accessible all the time for me.

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