Parrots are very intelligent creatures that really love to eat. Some of their favorite foods are apples, bananas, oranges and even ice cream! But can parrots eat oranges? We’ve got the answer for you.
For most people who have a pet bird, they would think that all fruits are good for them because it’s healthy food. However, some fruits should not be given to certain birds or even any kind of bird at all.
For example, parrots cannot eat oranges because there is too much acid in them which will make their stomachs upset and give them an illness like gastroenteritis which includes diarrhea and vomiting.
It’s important to know what your pet can or cannot eat before giving it something new!
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What fruits parrot can eat?
In nature, parrots feed mainly on fruits of plants which include seeds. In captivity, the main source of food for pet parrots is pellets or dry seed mixture.
However, it’s a good idea also to give the bird some healthy fruit 10% of its daily diet. Most of these may be fresh but there are some that can be fed only when they are ripe and cooked (for example bananas).
Can parrots eat oranges?
Oranges are a great food for parrots who love the sweet fruit taste. However, oranges can be extremely dangerous if ingested by your bird as they contain high levels of vitamin C and citric acid which is very dangerous to pet birds.
Yes, there are a few types of oranges that you could feed your parrot that include: Satsumas, Mandarin Oranges and Tangerines.
These have been bred especially so they do not have such high levels of vitamin C and citric acid which makes them much safer for our pet birds. Of course, remember to always take out the seeds from these fruits before feeding them to your parrot.
Do parrots drink orange juice?
The answer to this question is not straightforward. Some parrots may enjoy drinking orange juice, while others may not be interested in it.
There are a few factors that can influence whether or not a parrot will drink orange juice.
One important thing to consider is the diet of a parrot. If a parrot’s diet does not include oranges, then it is likely that the bird will not be interested in drinking orange juice.
Conversely, if an orange is a part of a bird’s diet, then it is more likely that the bird will drink orange juice.
Another factor that can influence whether or not a parrot drinks orange juice is the age of the bird. Young birds may be more likely to try new things than older birds.
Size of a parrot also plays a role in whether or not it will drink orange juice. Some small species, such as budgies and cockatiels, may be too small to drink orange juice from a cup and may require the bird owner to use an eyedropper.
Larger parrots, such as macaws and amazons, can typically hold a cup to drink the orange juice (although their larger size does not necessarily mean that they should be given endless amounts of orange juice).
Nutritional Benefits of oranges to parrots
Found in many parrot’s cages, oranges can benefit your companion bird in a number of ways. Not only are oranges delicious to eat but they also offer several health benefits for your feathered friend.
Read on to discover how oranges can be good for parrots and the other important nutritional facts about this tasty fruit!
Oranges contain Vitamin C which is an essential vitamin for all birds. This nutrient helps parrots produce collagen, necessary for various bodily functions such as healing wounds or reproduction needs.
Birds that do not get enough Vitamin C will develop scaly legs, go out of feather and experience slow wound healing which can lead to death if left untreated.
Nutritional information should always be provided when feeding your bird fruits, however it should be noted that oranges should only be given as a treat to parrots and not as a staple diet.
Oranges are also a good source of dietary fiber which is beneficial for the digestive system.
A diet high in fiber helps keep the bowels healthy by stimulating peristalsis (the wavelike contractions of the intestines that move food through the digestive tract). This is especially important for birds who consume a lot of seeds and other hard foods which can be difficult to digest.
Fiber may also help reduce the incidence of feather picking, a common behavioral problem amongst captive parrots.
Lastly, oranges provide antioxidants which help protect cells from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. Free radicals are produced naturally in the body but can also be introduced from the environment.
They can damage cells, leading to aging and disease. The antioxidants found in oranges help to neutralize these harmful molecules, preventing cell damage and keeping your bird healthy!
So next time you’re at the grocery store, pick up a few oranges to put in your parrot’s cage – they’ll love the taste and you’ll be providing them with some essential vitamins and minerals that they need for good health!
Disadvantages of feeding too oranges to parrots
1. It may cause weight gain in parrots.
2. It can cause diarrhea in parrots.
3. It can increase the risk of developing a calcium deficiency in parrots.
4. It can lead to an imbalance in the bird’s diet.
5. It can increase the risk of developing a zinc deficiency in parrots.
6. It can increase the risk of developing a vitamin C deficiency in parrots.
7. Parrots that eat too many oranges may become addicted to them and refuse to eat other foods.
8. Oranges are high in sugar and may contribute to obesity in parrots if they are overfed them.
9. The natural vitamin C in oranges is destroyed by cooking, pasteurization and freezing.
10. Oranges can be a choking hazard for birds.
Eating too many oranges can give your parrot diarrhea, make them overweight and put stress on their kidneys.
We recommend 2-3 pieces of fruit per day for a healthy diet. Other fruits you may want to consider are apples, bananas, grapes or strawberries!
Remember that like humans, all animals have different dietary needs based on age and species specific requirements.
Our other articles on Bird Feed: Can parrots eat tomatoes?

Hi there! My name is Sarah, and I’m the author behind “Bird Sector,” a website dedicated to helping bird owners learn more about their pets and how to take good care of them. I’m passionate about birds and love sharing my knowledge and experiences with others.